4D lipo-sclpture

Tahseen 4Dº Dynamic Body Sculpt fixes the
“plastic” appearance that not only incorpo-
rates motion, but flows with it.
It does this by integrating a second set of
pre-surgical markings, drawn according to
the patient’s muscles in a static position and
in dynamic motion.
Tahseen 4Dº works with your own personal
muscle structure, resulting in a body that
looks incredibly natural.To book Consultation,

please fill the form or call us on 16713


Dr. Hossam Tahsin Consultant of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. Aesthetic Medicine, Graduate of Cairo University of Medicine, Faculty Member and Professor of Plastic Surgery, Cairo University. Dr. Tahsin is one of the pioneers of plastic surgery in Egypt and the Middle East, he has performed thousands of successful cases and always updated machines and techniques from all over the world to the field of plastic surgery in Egypt and the Middle East.

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New Cairo
Sheikh Zayed