Belt lipectomy and high–definition chest liposculpture-a strong and self-confident appearance.
Do you suffer from fat accumulation in the abdominal area, Does the accumulation of fat in the back and side area cause you a problem in wearing clothes, do you feel that the general appearance of your waist area is inconsistent, which causes you embarrassment or trouble communicating?
No need to worry, you are not alone with these problems, but there are many individuals who have come up with the optimal solution for them – a Belt lipectomy and a high-definition chest lift operation.
You can get rid of all of these problems in one simple procedure to have a beautiful and harmonious appearance.
Let’s learn more about the Belt lipectomy and high–definition chest liposculpture with Dr. Hossam Tahseen, consultant plastic surgeon and aesthetic medicine, professor of plastic surgery at Cairo University, and owner of Tahseen technology for dynamic four-dimensional body sculpting.
Belt lipectomy and high-definition chest left
ABelt lipectomy is a surgical procedure that aims to make both the abdomen and waist more symmetrical, and it is more comprehensive than a tummy tuck, in which the abdomen, back, chest and buttocks are all beautified.
The high-definition Belt lipectomy process is based on a 4D body sculpting technique, that contributes to achieving the best-desired results; liposuction, muscle sculpting and tightening of sagging skin are performed, thus ensuring that the overall appearance reaches an ideal and attractive appearance.
People who are candidates for a Belt lipectomy and high-definition chest left.
The operation of Belt lipectomy and high-definition chest tightening is the optimal solution to achieve an ideal strength in the following cases:
- Men who suffer from fat accumulation in the abdomen and lumbar region.
- Men who suffer from the phenomenon of gynecomastia and unacceptable accumulation of fat in the chest area.
- The inability to get rid of some stubborn fats, both with diet and exercise.
- After most weight loss surgeries, large amounts of weight are lost and sagging appears in various places on the body.
Belt lipectomy and high-definition chest left – How is it done?
After preparing the patient and drawing the guiding lines with high accuracy, the operation is started, which can be performed using only local anesthesia without resorting to general anesthesia and the it’s undesirable side effects, and the steps of the operation are as follows:
- Small openings are made in the skin around the perimeter of the lower abdomen and above the buttocks.
- From these openings the doctor sucks out excess fat in the entire waist area.
- Here Comes the role of modern technologies and advanced devices such as the Vaser device, these devices are used to melt the micro-fat located between the muscle fibers, removing most of the amounts of fat helps us greatly in the next step.
- Sculpt the body using a four-dimensional dynamic body sculpting technique, which works to strongly accentuate muscles and curves in a beautiful image.
- In some cases, there may be a need to inject some fat into some areas of the body, to make the appearance more fit.
- Then the fat that has been sucked is processed and re-injected back into these areas.
- After reaching the abdomen and waist area to the desired shape, some patients may need to remove some fat from the chest area as well and sculpt the muscles of this area to complete the desired aesthetic appearance.
- In the end, the small wounds from which liposuction was performed are closed aesthetically to reduce the appearance of scars.
Belt lipectomy and high-definition chest lift – top tips.
There are many questions about the operation of Belt lipectomy – and the necessary precautions for it and its results, all this information is covered in the next paragraphs.
At Tahseen center, we are interested in following up with the patient for a period before the operation, to check on his health and to ensure reaching the required results without any complications, and one of the most important tips before performing the Belt lipectomy and high-definition chest lift:
- Do some tests such as blood image tests, liquidity, blood sugar, and others to check on health.
- Follow up the patient’s health status and know the medications that are taken continuously.
- Medications that increase blood thinners such as aspirin are stopped at least about three weeks before surgery.
- Stop smoking for two weeks before and after the procedure.
- Accurate detection of the patient and accurately determine the places of fat accumulation and draw guidelines to help sculpt the muscles during the operation.
- Talk to the patient a lot about the ideal body he wants to reach; to work on achieving his goal accurately.
The recovery from the Belt lipectomy and high-definition chest lift is usually completed after a period of about 10 to 14 days, but there are a number of tips that must be followed after the completion of the surgery, the most important of which are:
- taking prescribed medications on time.
- Pay attention to small wounds so that they heal quickly.
- Continue to tie compression ligaments around the abdomen and waist area to provide support and reduce infiltration and swelling.
- Drink plenty of water and adhere to healthy food intake.
- follow a diet, as a good regimen helps the results of the operation remain longevity.
- Maintaining continuous follow-up appointments until the completion of recovery.
- Avoid strenuous exercise after the operation, but it is important to keep doing easy exercises daily after recovery is complete.
Results of the Belt lipectomy and high-definition chest lift procedure
The Belt lipectomy and high-definition chest lift enable you to achieve your desire for the most powerful and attractive svelte body, by:
- Sculpt the chest muscles and remove excess fat and sagging skin from them.
- Liposuction of abdominal fat, sculpt the abdominal muscles and show them beautifully.
- Get rid of sideburns and excess fat in the back area.
- Beautify the buttocks area and highlight the muscles.
- Tighten the sagging skin in the entire waist area.
- Re-inject fat in proportion to the consistency of the body.
Why Dr. Hossam Tahseen’s center is the best
Dr. Hossam Tahsin Center has many advantages that make it the best in Egypt and the entire Arab world in body sculpting operations, and one of the most important of these advantages:
- Dr. Hossam Tahsin has extensive experience in this field and is the owner of an improved technique for dynamic 4D body sculpting.
- A distinguished and highly experienced medical team in plastic surgery, aware of everything that is new in plastic surgery.
- Providing the latest devices and techniques used in these surgeries.
- Provide full medical care to the client until the completion of recovery.
Follow us on various social media channels to learn more about the cases that are treated daily with Dr. Hossam Tahseen, and you can also contact us in case you need to request any medical consultation and all your inquiries will be answered as soon as possible.