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Belt lipectomy with breast and buttock lift
A taut and toned abdomen and waist is the desire of many people, but unfortunately, this area is one of the hardest areas in achieving the desired shape and this area rarely reaches a harmonious appearance, even with diet and exercise.
This is because there are many factors that affect it, including heredity, stress, wrong eating habits, and others, hence the need for high-definition belt-lipectomy operations in addition to breast and butt-lifting to enjoy a more slender and attractive appearance.
Let’s learn more about the high–definition belt lift and butt lift with Dr. Hossam Tahseen, consultant plastic surgeon and aesthetic medicine – professor of plastic surgery at Cairo University and owner of Tahseen technology for dynamic four-dimensional body sculpting.
High-definition Belt-lipectomy with breast and buttock lift
Belt-lipectomy is a surgical procedure similar to a tummy tuck, but it is a more extensive procedure and covers a larger area, where the entire waist area is beautified, by suction of excess fat in the area and tightening the sagging skin.
A belt lipectomy helps to shape both the abdominal and buttock areas, hips and thighs in one procedure.
This process is largely based on a 4D body liposculpture technique that is performed through 3 basic steps:
- Suction excess fat from different places and redistribute it harmoniously.
- Pioneer skin tightening.
- Increased muscle manifestation in men and increased manifestation of curves in ladies.
In some cases, the condition may also require a breast and Butt Lift procedure with belt-lipectomy in order to enjoy a high-definition aesthetic appearance.
Candidates for Belt lipectomy with breast and buttock lift
- This operation is often the best solution for people who have undergone weight-loss surgeries, as these surgeries can lead to significant weight loss, which leads to the appearance of sagging in addition to the presence of some fat accumulations in different areas.
- For women who suffer from the accumulation of fat in disproportionate areas of the body, such as the abdomen and lower back, it is not possible to get rid of this fat by exercising or others.
- High-definition Belt lipectomy with breast and buttock lift can also be required for many mothers after pregnancy, childbirth, and exposure to laparotomy operations more than once.

Belt lipectomy with breast and buttock lift
Let’s find out more information about this procedure with Dr. Hossam Tahseen.
Many tips that are provided by Dr. Hossam Tahseen before performing the Belt lipectomy, and the most important of these tips are:
- Tell the doctor about the state of your health, and medications that are taken continuously.
- Stop taking certain medications, such as medications that increase blood fluidity such as aspirin at least about three weeks before surgery.
- Stop smoking for two weeks before and after the procedure.
- Perform some laboratory tests before the procedure to check on your state of health.
The steps of the high definition belt tightening process with breast and butt lift:
The goal of performing this operation is to get rid of fat and excess skin folds around the entire waist area, making the body more toned, and most often the operation is performed in these steps:
- The procedure can be done under the effect of a local anesthetic.
- Small incisions are made around the circumference of the lower abdomen and above the buttocks to insert the device responsible for liposuction.
- The accumulated fat is sucked out of these different areas.
- Using various devices such as a Vaser, most of the fat in different areas of the body can be melted, which helps to highlight muscles and different curves.
- After liposuction, fat can be processed and redistributed again in case it is needed to harmonize textures.
- Mostly this fat is used in lifting the breast area and in lifting the butt to give the appearance of the desired Brazilian butt.
- The doctor removes excess skin around the abdomen, sides and back, and then fixes the muscles around this area.
- Various wounds are closed and a temporary bandage is applied to keep the wounds from being contaminated.
The recovery from the Belt lipectomy with breast and buttock lift is usually completed after a period of about 10 to 14 days, but there are a number of tips that must be adhered to after the completion of the surgery, the most important of which are:
- Keep the wound clean and constantly change dressings.
- Continue to tie compression ligaments around the abdomen and waist area to provide support and reduce infiltration and swelling.
- Adhere to taking prescribed medications such as pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics on time.
- Adhere to eating healthy food and drinking plenty of water.
- Maintaining continuous follow-up appointments until the completion of recovery.
- Avoid strenuous exercise after the procedure.
Results of the Belt lipectomy with breast and buttock lift
The procedure of Belt lipectomy with breast and buttock lift can achieve your desire for a more harmonious and beautiful body by:
- The suction of fat accumulated in various places on the body.
- Tighten and sculpt the muscles of the chest, abdomen, back, buttocks and the entire waist area.
- Tighten the sagging skin in the entire waist area.
- Re-inject fat in proportion to the consistency of the body.
- Lift the breast and butt areas to enjoy a more feminine and confident appearance.
All these steps eventually lead to making the braest and waist area more proportional to each other, which positively affects the appearance of the individual and his self-confidence.
If you want to perform a Belt lipectomy with breast and buttock lift, you should pay attention to choosing a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in this field and is aware of the latest devices and techniques used in these surgeries; as the doctor’s experience is an essential role in achieving the highest satisfactory success rates for the client.
Dr. Hossam Tahseen is a consultant plastic surgeon and professor of plastic medicine and surgery at Cairo University, a pioneer of plastic surgery and body sculpting in Egypt and the Middle East, and the owner of the 4d body sculpting technique in the Middle East.
You can contact us if you need to request any medical consultation, and you can also follow us on various social media to follow up on more outstanding results with Dr. Hossam Tahseen.