Breast reduction


Breast reduction – a necessity or a luxury?

I suffer from the problem of increasing the size of my breasts, which causes me many obstacles in practicing a normal life.

Is there a solution? This was the beginning when one of the clients hesitated to Tahseen Clinic and imagined that this problem had no solution, but when she entered Tahseen clinics, she was provided with the perfect solution to solve this problem.

Everything you would like to know about breast reduction operations and their goals and what is the cost of breast reduction operations in Egypt will be discussed with Dr. Hossam Tahseen (Consultant of Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine – Professor of Plastic Surgery at Cairo University).

What is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction is a procedure to remove excess fat in the breast with the removal of excess skin to obtain a smaller size breast and more suitable for the rest of the body; This relieves the discomfort associated with excessively large breasts (enlarged breasts).

Who are the candidates for breast reduction surgery?

It is possible that the size of the breast is large, but proportional to the size of the rest of the body areas and does not pose any problem, but it is also possible that the excessively large breast causes many problems, which are divided into:

– psychological problems

Disproportionately large breasts can cause psychological disorders for patients and the inability to lead a normal life.

– Physical and health problems

The large size of the breast can cause pain in many areas of the body such as the back, neck and shoulders; This makes it difficult for some patients to perform common physical activities. Breast reduction can also be done for men who suffer from a phenomenon called gynecomastia, in which there is a significant increase in the size of the breasts in men.

How is breast reduction surgery done?

Breast reduction is a simple operation, but it requires more accuracy and experience for the treating physician to reach the required size of the breast and also to ensure the consistency of the breast size.

Breast reduction can be done using only local anesthetics without the need for general anesthesia and its consequences.

Depending on the size and shape of the breasts and the amount of tissue to be removed to reach the appropriate size, your doctor may choose the appropriate breast reduction technique.

What are the different techniques used in breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction by liposuction

This method can be used in some cases who have a small increase in the size of the breast, and at the same time the skin has flexibility and can restore its natural shape after the suction process, and the process is done by making a small incision in the skin to insert a thin tube to suction the extra fats from your breast.

Breast reduction with open surgery

In this technique, the doctor makes a surgical incision in the skin around the nipple or under the breast to remove excess fat and tissue from the breast.

When using this procedure, the doctor may change the position of the nipple and areola and raise them to a higher level, if the breast suffers from sagging significantly while maintaining the blood and nervous supply of the breast.

What after breast reduction surgery?

After the operation, there may be some advice from the physician to maintain the results, the most important of which are:

  • Reducing physical activity for a period of 7-10 days until complete recovery.
  • Your doctor may recommend wearing compression and elastic bras to protect the wound.
  • Avoid wearing bras with metal frames.
  • Pay attention to a healthy diet and drink adequate amounts of water.
  • Avoid violent sports activities for a period after the operation.

Breast reduction surgery result

In most cases, the result is highly satisfactory for the patient, as we at Tahseen clinics always work with high accuracy and take into account the smallest details to reach the desired results in the easiest way possible and with the least side effects or complications that can appear.

There may be swelling in the breasts immediately after surgery with the appearance of some bruising and mild pain, and usually, all of these symptoms end within two weeks with adherence to the advice and prescribed medications, and then the extent of the desired result can be measured.

The end result is smaller, lighter breasts, less sagging, and a more symmetrical and proportional shape.

Breast reduction also reduces pain in the shoulders, neck, and back associated with large breasts, allowing women to move more freely, exercise comfortably, and wear more flattering and comfortable clothing.

Advantages of body sculpting over other fat removal operations

According to several medical studies in the United States and Europe in more than 50,000 cases, no complications were recorded after the body sculpting process.

In general, the body sculpting process showed a noticeable improvement in skin tightening and sagging removal significantly compared to other liposuction procedures. 

The body sculpting process takes place in one session only and is discharged on the same day, so the recovery period is very short. It is possible to return to the daily routine after only 3-5 days after the operation, and exercise and muscular effort can be resumed after 1-2 weeks.


Dr. Hossam Tahsin Consultant of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. Aesthetic Medicine, Graduate of Cairo University of Medicine, Faculty Member and Professor of Plastic Surgery, Cairo University. Dr. Tahsin is one of the pioneers of plastic surgery in Egypt and the Middle East, he has performed thousands of successful cases and always updated machines and techniques from all over the world to the field of plastic surgery in Egypt and the Middle East.

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