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High definition body sculpting and waist sculpting

Do you dream of having a perfect figure and a sculpted waist? Now with high-definition body sculpting and waist sculpting operations, every person can reach the body he dreams, especially with the presence of these modern technologies that produce excellent results and with the utmost accuracy, all it takes is to rely on a doctor who has the experience and competence necessary to carry out such operations. See how the process of high definition body sculpting and waist sculpting works? What are the benefits of body sculpting with Vaser? How about 4D optimization technology? How did this technique contribute to achieving accurate results for an ideal body shape? What about the experiences of body sculpting with Dr. Hossam Tahseen? All this and more, we learn about it together below.

High definition body sculpting and waist sculpting:

Achieving a sculpted waist and perfect body has become easier than ever, especially with the dynamic 4D sculpting technique. With this technology, the patient can achieve the shape he aspires to in a very natural way thanks to the sculpting of the shape of the body’s muscles in both movement and stillness. The 4D enhancement technology helps you remove the finest fat cells attached to the muscles to highlight the shape of the natural muscles and the anatomical structure of the body, which is much better than the idea of ​​muscle and fat injections to highlight them.

High definition body sculpting and waist sculpting take 2-5 hours depending on the fat density.

After the operation, the patient needs a period of one week to 10 days so that he can begin his normal life tasks.

4D calculus technology relies on sculpting the body according to 4 dimensions to ensure the accuracy of the results, which are:

  • height.
  • the offer.
  • depth.
  • the movement.

Therefore, the result of sculpting is perfect with high definition during movement and stillness.

4D body sculpting steps:

The 4D body sculpting process is carried out according to the 4D enhancement technology in several steps:

Preparing the patient for the operation:

Conducting the necessary medical examinations and analyzes.

Ensure that the patient’s health condition is stable.

Stop smoking at least two months before the operation.

Follow a diet and exercise before the operation as instructed by the doctor.

Inform the doctor about the medications the patient is taking to determine whether or not they should be stopped before the operation.


The process of high definition body sculpting and waist sculpting begins with anesthetizing the patient after determining the areas to be liposuctioned from.

Vaser liposuction is performed from the previously identified areas.

This technology works to break up fat cells with ultrasound.

The fat cells are broken down without any tissue damage or any surgical intervention.

This technique achieves an excellent result, especially in the abdomen and waist area, smoothly without any zigzags.

High definition sculpting.

Once the fat in the waist or abdomen area is removed, the doctor begins liposuction of the delicate fat that surrounds the muscles.

Some areas may need to be injected with fat. This is due to the patient’s desire and the doctor’s vision. The patient notices the result of the operation as soon as he leaves the operating room.

Benefits of body sculpting with Vaser:

High definition body sculpting and VASER waist sculpting have many benefits such as:

It is a non-surgical operation and does not involve any complications such as bleeding or infection.

This technique helps to break down fat while preserving tissues at the same time.

The accuracy of the results and the absence of fat cells in the sculpted areas again, provided that the doctor’s instructions are adhered to.

All this makes the idea of ​​body sculpting with Vaser Halal 4D enhancement technology an ideal option to get rid of the accumulated fat with the utmost precision.

Body sculpting experiences in Egypt:

Dr. Hossam Tahseen is one of the most important pioneers of plastic surgery, body sculpting and body contouring in Egypt. The doctor, Dr., invented the 4D enhancement technique after receiving his education from the Colombian plastic surgeon Dr. Alfredo Hoyos is the inventor of the dynamic 4D sculpting technique. The idea of ​​high definition body sculpting and waist sculpting requires reliance on a skilled doctor with great experience, especially with the use of these precise tools to reach a satisfactory result. As for the experiences of body sculpting in Tahseen Clinic, S-A recounts her experience in high-definition body sculpting and waist sculpting and says: “I was annoyed with the shape of my waist and body until I decided to undergo the sculpting process at the hands of Dr. Hossam Tahseen, my body shape has completely changed. The amazing thing is that there is no trace of the sculpting process, not even a single scar, a sign of the high speed with which I noticed the results, and now, after a year, my body shape is still the same, especially with regular exercise as recommended by Dr. Tahsin. My advice to everyone who suffers from her body shape is to quickly book with Dr. Tahseen to get the perfect body without any suffering.” 

Finally, if exercise does not help now, you can undergo a highly defined body sculpting and waist sculpting procedure with Dr. Hossam Tahsin to get an ideal sculpting result, for reservations For inquiries, click here.


Dr. Hossam Tahsin Consultant of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. Aesthetic Medicine, Graduate of Cairo University of Medicine, Faculty Member and Professor of Plastic Surgery, Cairo University. Dr. Tahsin is one of the pioneers of plastic surgery in Egypt and the Middle East, he has performed thousands of successful cases and always updated machines and techniques from all over the world to the field of plastic surgery in Egypt and the Middle East.

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