Tummy Tuck With Liposculpure

Tummy Tuck With Liposculpure

Body contouring and tummy tuck

Body contouring and tummy tuck-get rid of all waist fat in one step.

Currently, body contouring and tummy tuck with liposcopy are required for many women and men as well, as many have become suffering from the accumulation of abdominal fat or the accumulation of fat in different body areas due to many factors, the most important of which are bad eating habits.

These fats cause many problems for the person, whether psychological problems or even the inability to carry out daily activities in an easy and natural way.

To learn more about body contouring and tummy tuck operations and how to achieve the best results using Tahsin technology for dynamic four – dimensional sculpture (Tahseen 4d liposcopy) with Dr. Hossam Tahsin (consultant plastic surgery and Aesthetic Medicine-faculty member and professor of plastic surgery at Cairo University).

Is there a difference between abdominoplasty and body contouring

Although both operations help to slim and beautify the waist, the technique of both of them is completely different.

Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery to improve the shape and appearance of the abdomen, by removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen while also tightening the connective tissue in the abdomen with sutures, then the remaining skin is repositioned to give a more symmetrical appearance.

As for body sculpting using the four-dimensional dynamic sculpting enhancement technique (Tahseen 4d liposcopy), it is a procedure used to remove the largest possible amounts of fat accumulated in an unacceptable area, and after removing fat from all sides around the muscles, these muscles are sculpted in their natural form and the skin is applied to them to be more strong and graceful.

Why is it preferable to combine both body contouring and tummy tuck in the same procedure

The experience of the attending physician and his vision of many cases contribute to determining the most accurate procedure to beautify the figure and achieve the best possible result, so it is possible that the tummy tuck procedure on its own is sufficient and it may be preferable to perform more than one step such as liposuction, tummy tuck and body contouring to be distinguished by many features:

Maximize the results of tummy tuck surgery and show the result in the best possible way.

Enabling the surgeon to treat exercise-resistant fat in conjunction with getting rid of sagging skin and repairing muscle tissue. 

Complete everything necessary for the patient in one surgery and one recovery period, instead of two separate procedures and recovery operations.

The operation of body contouring and tummy tuck (Tummy tuck with liposcopy) is the reason for resorting to it.

Many factors that we are exposed to lead to the appearance of fat and its accumulation in various areas of the body, such as the waist and abdominal area, including:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth more than once.
  • Getting older.
  • Exposure to laparotomy operations such as cesarean and others.
  • Significant weight gain.

If you are suffering from this problem as a result of all these factors, liposuction and body contouring along with tummy tuck surgery at Dr. Hossam Tahseen clinics is the best solution to eliminate it.

Tips for successful body contouring and tummy tuck

If you are considering a body sculpting procedure, there are a number of factors that must be adhered to before and after the procedure, the most important of which are:

Tell the doctor about the full state of health of you before starting the procedure

Compliance in case the doctor asks to stop taking certain medications, such as drugs that increase blood thinners.

Adhere to the doctor’s instructions before starting the procedure.

Adhere to diet and exercise to not accumulate fat again.

Dr. Hossam Tahsin is the best plastic surgeon for body contouring and tummy tuck operations in Egypt

When resorting to body contouring and tummy tuck operations, be sure to choose a plastic surgeon with extensive experience in performing these types of surgeries, as the doctor’s insight, experience and ability to deal with any problem play a big role in the success of the operation.

Dr. Hossam Tahsin is a consultant plastic surgeon and professor of plastic medicine and surgery at Cairo University, a pioneer of plastic surgery and body sculpting in Egypt and the Middle East and the first to develop body sculpting operations in Egypt using local anesthesia, as well as the first to perform dynamic four-dimensional body sculpting operations in the Middle East.

You can contact us in case you need to request any medical consultation, and you can also follow us on various social media to follow up on more outstanding results with Dr. Hossam Tahsin.


Dr. Hossam Tahsin Consultant of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. Aesthetic Medicine, Graduate of Cairo University of Medicine, Faculty Member and Professor of Plastic Surgery, Cairo University. Dr. Tahsin is one of the pioneers of plastic surgery in Egypt and the Middle East, he has performed thousands of successful cases and always updated machines and techniques from all over the world to the field of plastic surgery in Egypt and the Middle East.

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