ultra-high definition liposculpture

ultra-high definition liposculpture

there is no doubt that reaching the ideal weight is one of the important achievements, whether it is through following a diet or through regular exercise, but unfortunately, you may notice after losing a lot of weight that there are some stubborn areas that still accumulate some stubborn fat or some sagging skin, and so despite achieving ideal weight, the body shape is unsatisfactory, and here ultra-defined body sculpting is the solution.

What are the processes of ultra-specific body contouring? what about the conditions for undergoing this procedure, what are the benefits of sculpting without surgery?, and Is body contouring like liposuction?

Find out everything about body sculpting operations between those lines of the articles.

What is the ultra-specific body sculpting process?

Body contouring is a surgical procedure that aims to reshape the body through:

  • liposuction.
  • Cut off excess skin.
  • Sculpt different body areas.

Body sculpting operations are different from slimming operations or liposuction, they are aimed at treating the shape of a certain area, not losing excess weight, and therefore candidates for that operation have certain conditions. 

Conditions for undergoing body sculpting operations

  • The patient should reach the ideal weight or exceed it by a maximum of 7 kg.
  • Quit smoking for at least two months.
  • Prepare to see the real results.
  • The willingness of the patient to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Regular exercise after the procedure.

 Types of body sculpting operations:

  • The scientific stages of body sculpting involve some steps, the most important of which is the breakdown or dissolution of fat cells, and this is done by a number of different techniques, such as:
  • cryolipolysis.
  • Laser lipolysis
  • ultrasonic lipolysis (VASER).

Sculpting options include many areas of the body such as:

  1. abdomen.
  2. Buttocks.
  3. The waist.
  4. The arms.
  5. Face and neck.

People resort to sculpting procedures in general for getting more self-confidence, and to obtain a perfect figure and a sculpted athletic texture, as well as firming, suppleness and a more youthful appearance of the skin.

The benefits of the 4D body sculpting procedure without surgery:

the development of plastic surgery has made such an operation as ultra-specific body sculpting operations one of the completely safe surgeries, thanks to technologies that do not involve any surgical intervention, and one of the best and latest body sculpting Technologies is the technology created by Dr. Hossam Tahseen, which was called the Tahseen 4D body sculpting procedure, which characterized by:

  • carving the body without any surgical intervention and therefore no chances of bleeding or complications.
  • Immediate results as soon as you leave the operating room.
  • The speed of recovery in a week to 10 days is maximum.
  • A very natural look sculpted muscles with four-dimensional technique during movement and stillness.

Is body contouring like liposuction?

Liposuction is different from body contouring, liposuction aims to get rid of localized fat in a deep way.

but body sculpting, it is a stage that comes after getting rid of excess weight to reshape the body areas to look athletic and sculpted.

Despite the fact that the sculpting and suction procedures are cosmetic procedures, each of them has a different purpose from the other, and if we wanted to arrange them, we would find that the sculpting process is a step that comes after the suction.

 Steps of the ultra-specific body sculpting process

The ultra-specific body sculpting process involves a set of steps:

pre-operation steps

  • discussion of the doctor in the expected goals.
  • Inform the doctor about the medications the patient is taking.
  • Tell the patient what he should do after the procedure.
  • Examine the shape of the body and draw the areas to be carved in the desired image.

during the operation:

  • The patient undergoes anesthesia.
  • The doctor begins with the liposuction of previously identified areas.
  • The sculpting process begins with the liposuction of micro fats surrounding the muscles of the body.
  • Close minor incisions with medical sutures and bandages.

after the operation,

  • The patient can return home the same day.
  • The patient needs a week to 10 days to be able to return to work.
  • The appearance of some bruises and swellings is to be expected, which will quickly disappear by taking the medications prescribed by the doctor.

After two to 3 months, the patient is able to gradually return to his own sports activities. 

Recovery after body contouring

recovery from ultra-specific body contouring is expected to take from one week to 10 days. After that, the patient can practice his normal life tasks and return to work, but sports activity needs more time. As for returning to exercise, it is possible to gradually start exercising after two months.

The price of body sculpting surgery in Egypt:

The cost of body sculpting procedures varies according to a set of factors:

  • The doctor’s experience.
  • The number of days the patient stays in the hospital.
  • The cost of medicines and analyzes necessary for the procedure.
  • In addition to the level of service provided>

but in general Tahseen clinic clinics offer the best medical service for body sculpting with Tahseen 4d liposculpture technique that gives the best result for a sculpted body with natural movement during movement and stillness by Dr. Hossam Tahseen, one of the pioneers of plastic surgery, body sculpting and body coordination in Egypt, all this at an excellent price for the level of service provided, all you have to His action is to contact us on 16713 to receive the best service at the best price.


Dr. Hossam Tahsin Consultant of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. Aesthetic Medicine, Graduate of Cairo University of Medicine, Faculty Member and Professor of Plastic Surgery, Cairo University. Dr. Tahsin is one of the pioneers of plastic surgery in Egypt and the Middle East, he has performed thousands of successful cases and always updated machines and techniques from all over the world to the field of plastic surgery in Egypt and the Middle East.

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